Easter Flower Fund Raiser Decorate our church for Easter while supporting our youth! We order the flowers and set them in the sanctuary on Easter Sunday for all to...
Spring Small Groups There are many options for joining a small group this Spring. Don’t miss out in a great study on prayer and building community with...
March Food Share We are collecting food this month for Community Emergency Services. Please feel free to drop any non-perishable food items anytime during...
Valentine’s Party Join a group celebrating Valentine’s Day with games and fellowship. Sign-up at church in the Atrium.
All Church Retreat Sign up now to join us up at Covenant Pines. There is always lots to do out enjoying nature or sitting by the fire. We would love to see...
Caroling Sunday, December 16th. Meet at the church at 2:45 to be ready to head out to various locations by 3:00pm. Dinner at church provided.
Show-&-Tell Talent Show Come & Watch or Join in the Fun! Everyone has interest, talents, and gifts that can be shared with the community. We would love this to...