Bible Studies

Bible Studies
Bible Studies

Meeting weekly throughout the year. Join anytime.

Women's Study

Wednesdays @ 10:30AM

Community Room @ Church

Men's Study

Fridays @ 6:30AM

Zoom meeting

The Porch

Weekly adult study that covers the upcoming scripture lesson lead by Pastor Colleen. Once a month meeting at church with home cooked lunch included.

Prayer Groups

Prayer Groups
Prayer Groups

Meeting weekly or monthly throughout the year. Join anytime.

Tuesday Evening Prayer Group

6:30PM on Zoom

Praying for our Children

Third Saturday of every month @ 9:30AM

Focusing on the children whose birthday falls in the current month.

Small Groups

Small Groups
Small Groups

Meeting 6-8 weeks, topical study or book club. Watch for upcoming announcements on joining a Small Group in the weekly email.


Serving Teams

Serving Teams
Serving Teams

Varied levels of commitment.

Welcome Team on Sunday Mornings

We have lots of ways to serve before and during our worship services. Many groups are looking for just a once a month commitment.

Meals on Wheels

This group is currently full, but check back later if you are interested in getting involved.

Care Team

Volunteering to help with many behind the scenes aspects of funerals held at Bethlehem Covenant Church. Anywhere from hosting and greeting to dropping off bars to be served, many hands make light work for these events.

Tech Team

Advancing the sermon slides, running the sound board, or starting the livestream. There is always a need for help in this area.

Community Meals

Setting up, serving, and cleaning up after community meals.



Weekly or Occationally


The choir meets on Wednesday at 6:30PM to practice and performs at the 9:00AM traditional service.

Worship Team

We have a rotating group of musicians and vocalists that lead praise music during our 10:45AM contemporary service. Interested? Email

Special Music

We love music at Bethlehem Covenant. We love to include special music in our services. Interested? Email