Bethlehem Covenant Church
Loving God & Loving Neighbor
Welcome to Bethlehem Covenant!
We know that God is inviting us to partner with him in the renewal of ALL things! We desire to love God and love one another in the rhythm of Jesus. We believe that God changes whole communities when ordinary people show the extraordinary love of Jesus.
At Bethlehem, we welcome all people from different backgrounds and ages. It’s our deepest desire to provide a space that brings people together, no matter where you are in your spiritual journey, so that you can learn who God has created you to be. Community is our heartbeat and Bethlehem Covenant focuses on meeting the needs of our South Minneapolis neighborhood, one family at a time.
You are welcome here!
Join Us This Weekend!
Bethlehem Covenant Church
3141 43rd Avenue South
Minneapolis, MN 55406
We are currently worshiping together in person and via livestream each Sunday at 9:00AM and at 10:45AM. Our Traditional service meets at 9:00 and our Contemporary services is at 10:45. We have a community time at 10:00AM for coffee and connecting between the services.
Sunday Morning
9:00 & 10:45

Spring Small Groups

March Food Share
Loving God, Loving Neighbor
Give Online
Giving online is safe and easy. To give online, click on the link below. Thank you for your generosity!
Contact Us
We'd love to hear from you! Contact us below and our team will be in touch with you!