Loving God & Loving Neighbor
Located in the Longfellow neighborhood of South Minneapolis for almost 100 years, Bethlehem Covenant Church seeks to be a welcoming neighborhood church with a heartfelt devotion to God
Church Leadership
Council Leadership
Welcome Statement
We, the congregation of Bethlehem Covenant Church, are united in our belief in the counsel of the Holy Spirit, the love and holiness of God and the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. We believe in the centrality of the Word of God and share the common goals of following Christ and encouraging each other in our relationship with Him. We recognize we are imperfect human beings and we seek to keep learning, growing in our faith and ability to be an accepting church. Believing that all people are created in God’s image, we want to practice Jesus’ commands to love God and neighbor, to go and make disciples and listen to God’s guidance. We welcome all as they are!
Though united in our basic beliefs, we value independent thinking and discussing diverse views. We agree with the Affirmations of the Covenant Church which allow a range of theological opinions while practicing: “In essentials, unity; in non-essentials, liberty; and in all things charity”. As a denomination, the Evangelical Covenant Church allows latitude for churches to interpret local practices agreed upon by church clergy and lay leaders. In that spirit we desire to study the scriptures and their interpretations, pray, keep communication open, listen to each other and respect diverse views as we work together to discern God’s direction for our church.
No matter where you are on your journey toward Jesus, we invite you to join us in the life of our faith community— regardless of your age, economic status, ethnicity, gender, gender identity, immigration status, marital status, national origin, physical or mental ability, political affiliation, race, religion, or sexual orientation. Life in our faith community includes participating in worship, the sacraments, pastoral care, service, fellowship and opportunities for lay leadership. We are a welcoming neighborhood church with a heartfelt devotion to God.
Core Values
Wholehearted worship of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit is the soul of our Church life together. All our ministry and fellowship flow from our salvation in Christ Jesus.
We cherish and rely on the Old and New Testaments as the only perfect rule for faith, doctrine, and conduct.
We ask tough questions with humble hearts, to grow in grace and knowledge of Jesus.
Church is a family, not a club. So young and old worship side-by-side as we seek to pass along the faith for generations to come.
The Spirit calls us to friendships across boundaries of culture and background. We welcome all with warmth and kindness.
Because the good news is so good, we aim to see more people know Jesus.
Loving our neighbor requires us to serve and advocate for vulnerable people, both near and far, both inter-personally and socially.